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The first excavations were begun in 1904 by Theodor Wiegand under the auspices of the Berlin Museum and continued until 1913. Since 1962 excavations have been conducted by Klaus Tucheld on behalf of the German Archaeological Institute. The first Temple of Apollo was built in the Archaic period and the Hellenistic temple which succeeded this was built on the foundations of the earlier building, materials from which were used in the construction. The temple we see today is an Ionic structure measuring 60 x 118 m, with a dipteral arrangement of two rows of columns with 21 on each side and 10 at each end. The columns are of various styles with pedestals adorned with reliefs. These columns support an architrave surmounted by a frieze decorated with acanthus leaves and Gorgon (Medusa) heads. The high pronaos at the top of a monumental flight of steps leads into a naos with two columns, which gives access to the sacred area or cella in the form of an open courtyard surrounded by high walls with columns and containing a small Ionic temple which housed the statue of the god. Didyma was never a large city and its fame was closely connected with the existence of a sacred spring and the temple founded over it. The ancient Greeks merely took over the already existing sanctuary and reorganised it.
The remains of the earliest temple, which lie within the later building, have been dated to the 8th and 7th centuries B.C. These consist of a sacred wall measuring approximately 24 x 10 m, an open-air sanctuary, a portico 16 m in length, a sacred well and a votive altar. SUPPLIANTS TO THE TEMPLE After traversing the entire length of the Sacred Way, all suppliants to the temple would assemble in front of the building and purify themselves with the water from the sacred well. They were then obliged to pay a certain tax proportionate to the seriousness of their request. For a private affair one had to pay eleven times the standard tax. It was then necessary to sacrifice an animal, frequently a goat, in order to learn whether or not the god was willing to receive the suppliant's request. Before the sacrifice, cold water was thrown over the animal. If the animal showed no reaction the whole process had to be repeated. The suppliant then entered the naos and addressed his question to the priest. If there were a large number of suppliants the next to be received was chosen by lot. The priests then entered the inner temple and communicated the question to the priestess of Apollo who had prepared herself by fasting for several days and purifying herself with water from the holy well. The priestess in the inner sanctuary would drink the water from the sacred well, chew bay leaves and inhale the gases rising from the well. She would then begin to utter apparently meaningless words and sounds, which would be interpreted by the priests, the oracle being written in understandable language in the chresmographeion, or oracle office, a building located immediately adjacent to the pronaos. All the words uttered by the priestess were subsequently communicated to the suppliant by a priest or priests. Legend has it that it was in this way that Alexander the Great learned of his coming victory over the Persians. The pronaos, or forecourt, to which access is given by thirteen steps, contains twelve columns. The ceiling decorations were of great magnificence, and the columns of quite exceptional height. It was here that the suppliants waited for the oracle of Apollo. Oracular divination was the art of foretelling
the future through the power of the god mediated by the observation of natural events or
objects. Divination in some form or another has been known in all countries in all ages
and spread throughout the Western world in the form of astrology. It is popularly known as
``fortune-telling". Oracular divination rests on conclusions drawn on the basis of
observation and interpretation. In the case of divination based on observation, recourse
is had to the examination of accidental phenomena interpreted by intuition. The soothsayer
who examines the intestines of the sacrificial animal, its shoulder-blade or its
footprints in ashes was obliged to take special measures to ensure the truth of the
oracular pronouncement. The signs chosen for observation by the ancient Greek and Roman
soothsayers included lightning, thunder, the night and call of birds and sacred fowls, as
well as accidental phenomena such as the spilling of salt, sneezing or stumbling. Photographs by:Erdal Yazici,Gungor Ozsoy,Haluk Ozozlu,Tahsin Aydogmus Related Links: |
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