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Salads and Pickles

- 250 gr. dried beans
- 1 glass vinegar
- 1 large onion
- 3 large tomatoes
- 6 green pepperones
- 15 black olives ( Mediterranean )
- 1/2 bunch parsley
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 3 hard boiled eggs
- salt to taste
Soakthe beans in water overnight. Boild beans in fresh water till they are
tender. After they are cooked, leave the beans to stand in water until it
cools down. Then, strain the beans and put them in a bowl. Pour 3/4 glass
of vinegar and put some salt onto the beans and let them stand in vinegar
for 3 hours. Remove beans from the vinegar, drain them and place the beans
in another bowl. Slice the onion in crescent shapes; put some salt on the
slices and rub and press them by hand. Wash the oinions. Chop the parsley,
then add the onion slices and chopped parsley to the beans and mix well.
Slice the tomatoes into thin slices. Put the tomato slices and olives
decoratively on top of the beans, at the sides of the bowl. Cut each hard
boiled egg into four and slice the green pepperones. placethe egg and green
pepperone slices in the center of the bowl decoratively. Put 1 teaspoon
salt, the rest of the vineagr and 4 tablespoons of olive oil in a separate
bowl. Blend well together. Pour the dressing onto the beans according to
- 500 gr. chard
- 1/2 glass olive oil
- 1 or 2 lemons
- salt to taste
Celeans and wash the chard. Boild chard in a little water. Empty the chard
into a strainer and rinse in cold water. Pour the olive oil and lemon juice
onto the chard and mix. Add salt. Place salad in a serving bowl.

- 3-4 red beetroots
- 1 glass vinegar
- 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
- 3-4 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
Sort and cut the leaves off red beetroots. Put them in a saucepan with enough
water to cover them. Add the vinegar and boild the beetroots over down;
cut them into small pieces and place decorativelyin a salad bowl. Add a
half teaspoon of salt and crushed garlic with approximately 1 galss of
vinegar to the beetroots. Let stand for a few hours. This may be served
alone or with lettuce.
- 1 glass shelled walnuts
- 1/3 glass sesame oil
- 1/3 glass lemon juice
- 40 gr. garlic ( 2 medium size heads of garlic )
- 2 bunches parsley
- 1 teaspoon salt
Put the shelled walnuts (cleaned and peeled), 2 complete heads of garlic (cleaned)
and the salt into a mortar and pound well. Watch creafully to see that walnut oil
is not secreted.
Mix the sesame oil and lemon juice well in a bowl. Add the walnuts and the garlic
to the bowl and continue blending. Chop the parsley and add it to the bowl. Your
tarator is now ready for serving. Serve in a deep dish. (If tarator is going to be
served as a garnish, the amount of parsley may be reduced to half a bunch or
omitted altogether.)

- 2 large tomatoes
- 1 small onion
- 3-4 green pepperones
- 2 cucumbers
- 1/4 bunch parsley
- salt to taste
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
Peel, wash and slice the onion. Press the onion slices by hand
with some salt so that the onion becomes less bitter. Rinse the onion
under cold water and place in a salad bowl. Wash and chop the tomatoes and put them on top
of the onion slices. Wash, peel and dice the cucumbers. Slice the green
pepperones. Add
the cucumbers and green pepperones to the salad. Chop the parsley leaves and put into the salad.
Add the salt to salad and mix well. Serve with olive oil and lemon juice dressing

- 1 kg. natural yoghurt (unsweetened and unflavoured)
- 4 large cucumbers
- 1/2 glass water
- 1/2 bunch fresh mint or 1 tablespoon dried mint
- 6 cloves of garlic
- 3 tablespoons vinegar
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 6 small ice cubes
- 1 teaspoon salt
Peel and dice the cucumbers. Put the cucumners in a bowl. Pound the garlic cloves
in a mortar with 1 teaspoon of salt. While whipping the yoghurt with a fork or
whisk, pour in 1/2 glass of water gradually and mix with yoghurt. Add the cucumbers
and garlic to the yoghurt abd mix again. Put the olive oil, vinegar and ice cubes
into the bowl. Decorate the salad with chopped fresh mint leaves or dried mint.

- 1 kg. eggplants
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 250 gr. natural yoghurt (unsweetened and unflavoured)
- 10 green pepperones
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 lemon
- 2 teaspoons salt
Grill the eggplants under a hit grill. Turn them occasionally making sure that they
are thoroughly cooked. Peel the cooked eggplants with a knife, then place into a
bowl. Add the lemon juice, yoghurt, 1 teaspoon of salt and the olive oil to the eggplants.
Mix and blend all ingredients well and set the bowl aside.
Grill the green pepperones. Peel them and put five into a mortar with garlic cloves. Add
1 teaspoon of salt and pound well. Add the pepperones and garlic to the eggplants and mix
well together. The salad is now ready for serving. Put the salad into a bowl and place
the remaining green pepperones on top.

- 250 gr. chick peas
- 1/3 glass sesame oil
- 2-3 lemons
- 3/5 glass olive oil
- 1 teaspoon red pepper
- 1 teaspoon salt
Soak chick peas in warm water overnight. Boil chick peas in a saucepan with a lot of water.
Strain the chick peas and puree them. Blend the sesame oil with the puree of chick peas. Add
lemon juice to the mixture until its taste becomes sour. Add the red pepper and salt. Mix the salad
well so that it is liked mashed potatoes. Put the salad into a serving dish and add a dressing
of olive oil and red pepper before serving.

- 1kg. eggplants ( 4 large eggplants )
- 1/2 glass of olive oil
- 2 tablespoons vinegar
- 1 lemon
- salt
- 2 medium tomatoes
- 1 onion
- 6 green peppers
- 15 olives
Grill the eggplants (preferrably fat ones) under a hot grill until their skins are grilled.
Peel the eggplants and place them in a bowl containing 3/4 galss olive oil. Pour a mixture of
salt and the juice of 1/2 lemon into the bowl. Mix well and set aside for a while. Pour vinegar
into the bowl containing eggplants and pound well with a fork. When the eggplants become pasty
place the mixture onto a plate. Garnish the salad with slice tomatoes and onions and green
after scooping out their seeds, and then cut like fingers. Place olives decoratively on top. And
your salad is now ready to serve.

- 3 sheep brains
- 6 glasses of water
- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 2 medium size tomatoes
- 2 lettuce leaves
- 10 black olives (Mediterranean)
- 4 tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
Hold the brains under running water and remove the thin skin. Boil 6 glasses of water with 1
teaspoon of salt in a saucepan. Put the brains into this saucepan and boil for 15 minutes.
Remove saucepan from heat and allow it to stand for half an hour. Then, remove the brains and
cut them vertically. Put brains in a serving dish. Place olives between brains. Garnish the
sides of dish with sliced tomatoes and lettuce. Mix the lemon juice, olive oil and 1/2
teaspoon of salt together in a bowl. Pour dressing over as desired and serve.

- 200 gr. fish roes
- 1 glas olive oil
- 1/3 glass lemon juice
Pu the fish roes into a large bowl. While gradually pouring the olive oil over them, pound the
fish roes with a wooden spoon. To allow fish roes to absorb the oil well, the pouring and
pounding should take 15-25 minutes. In some cases the fish roes might be hard to pound, then
the time should be increased accordingly. After the fish roes thoroghly absorb the olive oil,
add the lemon juice in the same way. When your tarama becomes a white paste with the fish
roes looking red spots, it is ready fir serving. Put tarama into a serving dish and serve.
If you soak two slices of white bread in milk and pound them with tarama, the salad will serve
more people and will be lighter. If you add two teaspoons of onion juice to the tarama, it will
have a slightly diffrenet taste.

- 1 cabbage
- 2-3 whole garlic heads
- salt
- vinegar
Wah the cabbage. Make a hole in the middle of cabbage with a pointed knife. Put some salt
in the hole and boil cabbage in a little water until it becomes tender. Remove from water
and separate the leaves. Slice the leaves and put them into jars. Add the garlic to the jars
between the cabbage leaves. Pour vinegar into the jars so as to cover the cabbage. Add 10
grams of salt for 1 liter of vinegar. in 10-15 days your pickels will be ready to serve.

- 1-2 kg small eggplants
- 150 gr. fresh red peppers
- 3-4 carrots
- 1 small cabbage
- 3-4 bunches of celery
- 1/2 lemon, vinegar
- 4 whole garlic heads
Wash the eggplants. Carefully make a lengthways cut down the middle of each eggplant so that they do not split in two. Boil water with the juice of half a lemon. Put eggplants in boiling water and cook them until they become tender. Put the eggplants into a strainer and place a weight on them to drain away the water. Chop the carrots, fresh red peppers and cabbage, peel the garlic. Put them into a bowl and add enough vinegar to cover the chopped vegetables. Add 10 grams of salt for 1 liter of vinegar to the bowl and press with the hand. Fill the eggplants with the vegetable and vinegar mixture. Tie the eggplants with celery. Pack the eggplants tightly into jars. Decorate the jars by putting carrot and lemon slices between eggplant fillings. Pour vinegar and salt mixture so as to cover the eggplants fillings. Place a weight on the eggplants and close the jars. Your pickels will be ready to server in 25-30 days.
- 2 cups of bulgur (fie or medium fine type)
- 5-6 scallions chopped
- 1 tomato chopped
- 1 green peper chopped
- 1 cucumber chopped (I know I didn't put any last Saturday but you may)
- 1 lemon juice
- 2-3 Tbs red pepper (sweet) or tomato paste
- 2 tsp cumin
- salt, blackpepper, red pepper to taste
Cover the bulgur with boiling water, set it aside. The water and the bulgur
should be at the same level. While you're busy with chopping all the veggies
the bulgur absorbs the water. Mix the paste and the spices thoroghly. After
that just add the veggies. You can use lemon and vegetable/olive oil as